Last updated: 2016. febr. 19.
Personal details
Name: Katalin Bartók (born Váczy)
Date and Place of Birth: July 22, 1942, Cluj (Romania)
Home address: str. Republicii 24 A., ap. 7, 400015 Cluj-Napoca, private phone: 0752 755 797
E-mail address: [email protected]
- Bs and MS, Faculty of Biology-Geography, Babeş–Bolyai University Cluj, 1959‒1964, section Biology-Botany
- 1982‒1985 postgraduate English language study, Babeş‒Bolyai University, Cluj
PhD and academical title:
- PhD at the Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj, title of the thesis: “Humus’ chelate and their role in the mineral nutrition of the plants” 1979. Scientific supervisor acad. prof. István Péterfi
- since 2001: member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences’ public body
Scientific activity
Specialty: biology-botany
Research domain:
Lichenology: taxonomy, ecology, pollution monitoring;
Phytopathology, Phytosociology, Biodiversity conservation - nature protection in Romania, management of natural protected area in Romania
- Biologist, Regional Agrochemical Laboratory, Cluj (1965‒1974)
- Senior Research Scientist, Biological Research Institute, Cluj-Napoca (1974‒1999)
- Associate Professor, Babeş‒Bolyai University, Faculty of Biology-Geology, Department of Taxonomy and Ecology (1999‒2007)
- Emeritus Associate Professor, Babeş‒Bolyai University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences (2007‒2012)
Additional Training:
- Institute für Botanik, Karl-Franzens Universtat Graz, Austria, 1990, 1992, 1994
- The Natural History Museum, London, England, 1995, 1997, 1999
- Ecological and Botanical Institute of Hungarian Academy, Vácrátot, Hungary, 1995
- Hungarian Natural History Museum, Department of Botany, Budapest, Hungary, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2005
Language skills:
- Hungarian (mother tongue)
- Romanian (fluent)
- English (good)
- German (only lichenology)
Membership of Scientific Association:
- Societatea Natională de Stiinţa Solului
- Societatea Muzeului Ardelean
- Societatea Română de Fitocenologie
- American Bryological and Lichenological Society
- International Association for Lichenology
- British Royal Lichenological Society
Scientific papers:
- 113 (first author 36, single author 49), 24 abroad (3 ISI)
- 19 popularize papers
- 1 review
- Book chapters: 7
- Books: 8
Participation in conferences:
Participation in
- Romanian research contracts and grants: 30
- International research projects and grants: 9
Other academic activities: referee in PhD commissions: 6
Editorial Board of scientific Journals:
- Contribuţii Botanice, Cluj
- Studii şi cercetări de biologie, Bistriţa
Member in the Scientifical Council of the Călimani National Park
Dr. Bartók Katalin
18. II. 2016